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Information TAG

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Developed over 10 years for fast typing and searching with respect to visual context.
Usable on any platform .

Basic Tags

~ THOUGHT how ~story ~goal ~task ~rule ~name ~term ~title ~feature ~wave ~event ~project
$ PLACE where $home $google $world $body $front
@ TIME when , how long @now @today @21.00 @2020.05.22 @2020.05.22.04:pm @2020-07-21 @2020 @d:20 @we @12-4:am @1:h @2:w @2:week @mo-fr @mo,we,fr @=-1:hour
^ ENTITY who ^mom ^dog ^company ^spirit ^angel
# THING what , by what #body #food #phone
! ACTION do , happened !meet !call !feed
Combination Marks

. gap clutch #hummer.reborn $mount.everest @2020.07.01 @2020.w27
... block clutch this is a sentence ... this is a sentence
: more resolution ^entity:woman $book:page21 ~task:done @2020:07:01 @2020:w27
"" group "^apple ^steve.jobs ^steve.wozniak"
" citation some thought" ^bg
|| separator "or" something || something
+ separator "and" #car+house+bike "#gold car + nice house + sport bike"
, separator "one of" #car,house,bike "#gold car, nice house, sport bike"
<> separator "versus" something <> something
+ growth +10h, 10h+
- decline -10h, -10h
>> output something >> result >> sum
< until <@now
Q) question Q) is that it?
A) answer A) yes it is